How To Solve A Rubix Cube : Beginner's method

Rubix Cube

The rubix cube is a clever contraption which can only be solved by following a set number and type of algorithms.To solve a Rubix cube, there should only be one colour on one side of the cube. In this blog, I will tell you how to solve a Rubix cube by Begginer's method. There are different methods to solve a Rubix cube but this is the easiest one but it takes a little more time.In modern Rubix cubes, yellow is opposite to white, blue is opposite to green and red is opposite to orange. 
There are different phases of solving a Rubix cube and I will go through them phase by phase. 

Basic Concepts

To start, there are a few basic concepts which I will help you to understand through pictures.Keep in mind that in this blog I will only be talking about a standard 3X3 Rubix cube. 
First of all, it is important to know that there are three types of pieces in a Rubix Cube.
 There are a total of six centres in any single Rubix cube.
 There are a total of eight corners in any single Rubix cube.
 There are a total of  twelve middles in any single Rubix cube.
There are a total of  twenty-six  pieces in  any single standard Rubix cube.

Solving One Side

The steps to solving one side of a rubix cube are as follows:

1.Making A Plus Of White Pieces        Around Yellow Centre

As you can guess,a plus can only be made by middle pieces. The position you want is shown.

If there are any other pieces along with the plus, that is not any problem. Example is shown. 
To do this requires practise. All you need to do is get the white middle pieces on either side. It is not difficult to do this after a little practise. Once you put your mind to it, then it becomes purely conceptual. 

2.Making Plus Of White Middles Around White Centre

If you have managed to make a plus around yellow centre, then a few simple moves will get you a plus around white centre. 
First of all, you must realize that each white middle has another side, and each white middle has a different coloured side except white. You have to follow only a few easy moves. Take any white middle, and see what is the other colour. Hold the two bottom parts of the Rubix cube except the the part having the yellow centre like as shown. Rotate both bottom parts so that if, for example, the other side of the white middle piece is red, then the red centre is aligned with it. 
Then hold the side with the red centre in your right hand and the other two parts of the Rubix cube in your left hand, and rotate the red side with your right hand so that the white middle is directly below its previous position.Do the same for all white middle pieces, aligning the other side of the white middle pieces with the same coloured centres. The same coloured centres will always be there. When all four white middle pieces are exactly below their previous positions, then it is time for the next step.Before that, change your hold of the cube such that you are holding the side with the white centre upwards. You will be pleased to see, if you have done everything correctly, that a complete white plus has formed. Solving the white side from then on is really easy.

Solving Corners Of White Side

There are three possibilities of where the corner pieces are. They are either up or down on a side or directly below the white side. Pieces Directly below the white side will, of course, be on the yellow side. 

First of all, let me tell you how the corners will be filled. The white which will fill the place must have the three colours of the sides in middle of which it is located. Let me show you.
As is shown the correct corner has been filled as colours all three sides of corner piece coincide with surrounding centres. 

Now, here is how to solve the centres:

1. Corner In Lower Part Of Adjacent Side

First, take the corner that is in the lower part of any adjacent side. Look at the colurs of sides of corner, then move it under the desired location. Look at the corner so that the white side of corner is not in front but on the side. If white is on right side then move the right side down and if the white side of the corner is on the left side, then move the left side down. If right side has been moved down, then move the bottom row to the left, and then move right side back up. If left side has been move down, then move the bottom row to the right and then move left side back up. 

2. Corner In Upper Part Of Adjacent Side 

Cube should be held so that the white side of the corner is not at the front but on a side. If white side of corner is on left side, then move left side down, bottom row right, then left side back up. 
If white side of corner is on right side, then move right side down, bottom row left, then right side back up. The rest of the moves are those of part 1 of this step. 

3. Corner On Opposite Side

Move the corner under an empty slot. If the corner is on the right side, then move bottom row left, right side down, bottom row back and then right side back up. 
If corner is on the left side, then move bottom row right, left side down, bottom row back and left side back up. 

And Voila!!!! Your White side is complete. 
