A Legendary Number

The Legendary Number
Yes, you read that right. There is a number which is found universally all over the world. This number is legendary because it is scientifically proven that this exact number or value has been implemented by nature in all types of ways.
This number Phi (uppercase Φ, lowercase φ, or maths symbol ϕ) is the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.
In traditional Greek numerals, phi has a value of 500 (φʹ) or 500,000 (͵φ).

Phi is also called as The Golden Ratio. In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. This golden ratio has a universal value of  1.6180339887..... This, therefore, is the value of Phi.
This value is called the golden ratio because this value is found everywhere.
Now lets talk about those examples;
If you take the ratio of the length from your shoulder to your hand to the length of your elbow to your hand, the value will always be the same.
Same is true for ratio of length of leg to length from knee to foot.
Same is also true for length of finger to length from joint of finger to the tip of that finger.
Same is also true for the ratio of the complete body to the lower body. Of course there are always some exceptions in every case.
Want another example? Here's one.
If you take the ratio of the number of male bees in a hive to the number of female bees in that hive, the value will be the same.
This is the reason this value is called the golden ratio. Hope you learnt something new. Find some other article and read on. Follow and do tell your friends. Thankyou for reading.


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